

owner of the firm
ing. Brož Zdeněk

the firm  ADDEX s.r.o.  

Bubenské nábřeží 306
Praha 7
Pražská tržnice-hala č.24

tel.      : +420-2-838 71356-7
fax/zázn. : +420-2-838 713 58
mobil     :  0602 393 767

Dear friends,

make free you herewith greet and extend to you service trades in areas promotion your association.

Company ADDEX s.r.o. was found in November 1997 and from off his birth acts field 3D advertisement. We specialize above all in "gift objects", advertisement articles, tailor made.

Here we offer both catalog commodity and commodity "bespoke". At catalogue commodity myself acts above all about superior stationery notation - for example "SENATOR" and commodity from broad assortmentcatalog - "GIFTS", "MARKSMAN" and additional. Ta broad cartage (are cell harrier) be ours prices and delivery date ever so auspicious. Already in first order myself can you selves convince.

Aboard commodity bespoke myself always solicitous execute Your compliment and findings - however acts about artifact at soft goods, plastic, paper, ceramics, eye-glasses alternatively metal.
All commodity to you a matter of course delivered superior exude, acquisition embroidery, laser, coinage and so on.

We would like answer Your demands, advice along with access, sight samples. If You have a time to visit us at the firm, it'd be for us complacence bid welcome you in our company.

We are fit accomplish and to you, but that family purposes is Your content and long term bilateral agreable co-operation.
Bid to you attractive day and enjoy co-operation along with you.

In behalf of ADDEX s.r.o.
Ing. Zdenek Brož


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